Friday, August 26, 2011

Need a nap but there's NO Time?? - Read this, it might change your life

Today's world we live in is so hectic, I remember hating nap time in kindergarten and now I wish I could have a nice long one every afternoon. Fortunately, I have a work schedule that allows me flexibility to do that especially when I am working from home.
Yet even with that I still find myself busy as ever and there just never seems to be a good time for it. I don't know about you but I also find it sometimes difficult to then recharge myself afterwards and evening plans suddenly get cancelled or severely delayed.

Well as part of my overall self-improvement kick I have been on for about 5 years now, I discovered these short meditation / guided hypnosis tracks that can be played on any MP3 player.  Although they were designed to address specific areas like having better self-esteem, improving memory or concentration, getting a quick "charge" but what I have found they work great for is quick, restful SLEEP!

Most of them are anywhere from 10 minutes to about 25 minutes so they are short, are designed to wake you back up at the end of the session and because of the way they are designed, often you can get the equivalent of a nap of several hours in less than half an hour without being too groggy. Now I would suggest you have access to coffee or an energy drink afterwards particularly if you have to return to work or some other focused activity as you will be a little groggy, otherwise I have found these mp3 tracks invaluable to being able to keep up a hectic schedule of socializing late, getting up early for work, hitting the gym and then repeating the next night.

Does it work every time? Listen sometimes your body just needs rest and getting to bed early for a full night's sleep is the only way to go BUT for me I would say about 80% of the time this simple change has had an enormous impact on the quality of my life.

Whereas many nights I would be so tired I could barely stay awake to watch TV or read a book, I can not only go out but have energy, stay up fairly late and still function the next morning.  Seriously, if you find that you are just drained in the evening, missing out on fun social events because you're too tired to make it out or if you do, just not enjoying yourself because you are so exhausted, you owe it to yourself and others to try this.

You should be able to find these at the websites of the people who made them. If not, email me and I will talk to you about ways to obtain them or borrow mine! The best way for me is to lye on my couch with my feet up slightly and listen to them, usually just one is fine although if I am really wiped out I might listen to two in a row.

If you are lucky enough to have a cool boss maybe you can do this after lunch in the break room. If not definitely try to stop at home and do this before going out. It's also a great pick me up on weekends if like me, you love to go work out extra hard and need that down time to charge up for a fun evening out on the town.

Here is a partial list:. OK I am outta here after a good nap to make it a great Friday Night!!

The name of the artist is Paul Scheele and the specific tracks I use are:

1) Ten minute super charger (really great for a super power rest)
2) Instantaneous Personal Magnetism
3) Self Esteem Super Charger

I have two others which were given to me so I do not know the origin but am always happy to simply let you 'borrow' them :-)

Until next time, remember that to take care of and be a great person to others, first you have to take great care of yourself.


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